Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Dancing The Night Away

Dancin the Night Away
40 count 4 wall beginner line dance
Choreographers: Paul & Jan Takagi

Music…”If I Said You Had A Beautiful Body Would You Hold It Against Me”
The Bellamy Brothers Greatest Hits, Vol. 1 (slower beat)
“Dance The Night Away” by the Mavericks “The Definitive Collection”

Start dancing on the lyrics…KEEP SMILING ! ! !

Rock forward (right), rock back (left)
1, 2, 3 hold 4 rock forward right, left, step right hold (4)
5, 6, 7 hold 8 rock back left, right, step left hold (8)

2 step-lock steps
1, 2, 3 brush 4 step right, lock left, step right brush left (4)
5, 6, 7 brush 8 step left, lock right, step left brush right (8)
Step right, pivot to the left, step right hold, step left, pivot to the right, step left hold
1, 2, 3 hold 4 step right pivot to the left, step right hold 4
5, 6, 7 hold 8 step left, pivot to the right, step left hold 8
(weight should end up on the left, if not adjust quickly, to weave to the right)

Weave to the right, with a rock right, recover left, step right in front of left & hold for 8
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, rock right, hold 8 step right to the right, step left behind, right to the side, left in front of right, rock right recover left, step right in front of left hold 8

Weave to the left, with a rock left, recover right & step left as you make a ¼ turn to the right hold 8
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, rock left, ¼ turn right, hold 8 step left to the left , step right behind, left to the side, right in front of left, rock left recover right, ¼ turn to the right step left, hold 8

REPEAT, enjoy !

Paul & Jan Takagi
Richmond, VA
(804) 379 - 3488 (leave a message & return call number , please)