Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Shiftwork Shuffle

Shiftwork Shuffle
Choreographed by Kevin Richards

Description: 32 count, 4 wall, beginner/intermediate line dance
Music: Shiftwork by Kenny Chesney & George Strait [130 bpm / CD: Just Who I Am: Poets & Pirates / Available on iTunes]

Start dancing on lyrics

1-2 Step right to side, step left together
3&4 Chassé forward right, left, right
5-6 Step left to side, step right together
7&8 Chassé back left, right, left

1-2 Step right to side, cross left behind right
3&4 Right side shuffle ¼ right
5-6 Rock left forward, recover to right
7&8 Chassé back left, right, left

1-2 Step right to side, clap and hold
&3-4 Step left together, right side, clap and hold
5-6 Kick left forward, kick left side
7&8 Left sailor step

1-2 Scuff right forward, step and cross right over left
3&4 Step left back, right side, step and cross left over right
5-6 Step right back, touch left back at an angle left
7&8 Left side mambo, left, right, left


Kevin Richards | EMail: | Website:
Address: C/O WGNA 1241 Kings Rd. Schenectady, NY 12303 | Phone: (518) 506-4809